The joys and challenges of motherhood while being married to a physician.

First Quarter of Intern Year Complete

I underestimated how busy Kyler would be this year. His intern year is the first year of training. It consists of many rotations throughout the hospital before he focuses on neurology next year. Some of the rotations he has completed so far include: internal medicine, psychiatry, and ICU.

During his internal medicine rotation, he is gone six days a week about 12 hours everyday. He gets four days off during the month of this rotation. That is a lot of hours! If you divide his pay by hours, he’s making close to minimum wage. We are currently living off his resident income as a family of four, which means we have a tight monthly budget.

The days can be long, but the last few months have been short! The kids and I stay busy. We have made several other mom friends through our church and a homeschooling social group. We do lots of playdates, library visits, and trips to local parks/nature spots around us. My grandpa’s farm is about a three hour drive away from us. The kids and I have made several trips already to play with the cows, chickens, and tractors.

We make the most of Kyler’s days off. It can be difficult to plan things because sometimes Kyler doesn’t get his schedule until the week of. However, when he does get his schedule ahead of time, I will reserve those days for us to spend time as a family.

Overall, we love our home and the nature around us. Kyler is learning a lot with his on the job training and busy days. I’ve been told Intern Year is the most difficult schedule wise. I feel like we’re doing well so far and hope we continue to do so the next three quarters of this year.

Written by Melissa Smith